1. Iced Coffee on a Very Hot Day, 2. iced coffee, 3. What would we do with out coffee?, 4. Summer is for Iced Coffee
I am a big fan of iced coffee in the summer. The combination of sweet, bitter, and cold is bliss on a hot day (and certainly something I plan on partaking in later today). I'm not too particular when it comes to flavors, though caramel and hazelnut are what typically find their way into my cup. I recently started cold brewing coffee to keep on hand and it's made all the difference in the morning, especially with homemade caramel sauce mixed in. This recipe from Ina Garten is one of my favorites. How do you take your coffee, any personal favorite combination?
It's amazing how fast a half hour goes by in these early hours while as the day goes on I know they will stretch longer and longer (particularly post-midnight). I'm still working on finding my groove, how are you doing so far?
It's amazing how fast a half hour goes by in these early hours while as the day goes on I know they will stretch longer and longer (particularly post-midnight). I'm still working on finding my groove, how are you doing so far?
The groove usually kicks in around hour 3, and iced coffee certainly helps :)