Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is Here

Happy Spring!

Spring is officially here today (though the weather in my little corner of the world has been warm for the past week or so). I am excited. It's the season of new beginnings and fresh starts and I am certainly all for that right now. New seasons always come with a feeling of excitement for me. I don't actually have a favorite season as each time of year holds a special place in my heart. Here are some of my favorite things about this particular season:

Warm Weather: While I love the chill of the winter months, by the end I am always ready for the gentle warmth of spring. It's such a cozy feeling that makes me feel alive. I try and savor this as much as possible by spending time outside (or having my window open while inside).

Open Windows: After having everything shut in for several months there's nothing quite like airing everything out with open doors and windows. As I type this I have a gentle breeze filtering in with the afternoon sun from behind my curtain. Bliss.

Fresh Blossoms: How can I talk about spring without a mention of flowers? I adore flowers of all sorts and this is the perfect time of year to savor them in their newest, fragile state. I live in the desert so I often must live vicariously through photos, but this year I'm thinking of perhaps starting a small patio garden of my own.

Lighter Evenings: I know that the time change can feel a bit like a drag, but this year it's completely reinvigorated me! I've been up earlier and the days seem blissfully longer as the sun starts to last longer and longer in the evenings. Soon it will be light enough in the evenings to enjoy dinner picnics at the park, one of my favorite treats.

Time Outdoors: I love spending time in nature and this is one of the perfect times to indulge that whim. Just this past weekend I've spent time painting up in the mountains and reading magazines leisurely in the park. This weekend I plan on sweeping off the patio to give it some fresh sparkle.

Now that I've shared some of my favorite things, I would love to hear from you. What are your favorite things about spring? Any special memories?

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